

When making an online donation for multiple causes or for something not specified in the options below, please let us know. You can do this by speaking to a member of the committee at the masjid, emailing us or using the “Contact Us”. This applies for all bank transfers.



Lillah refers to donations made specifically for the construction, maintenance, or running of a mosque (masjid). Such donations are considered voluntary acts of charity, separate from obligatory forms of giving like Zakat. Muslims are encouraged to contribute to mosque projects as a means of earning reward and blessings from Allah, and to support the community's spiritual and social needs. Lillah donations towards mosques can be made at any time and in any amount, reflecting the individual's willingness to contribute towards the upkeep and enhancement of communal worship spaces.

Masjid Rebuild

Support us in the noble endeavour of rebuilding our beloved masjid. Our Masjid Rebuild Project Fund welcomes your generous Lillah contributions to support the construction of our new Masjid and community centre to meet the growing needs of the Muslim community in Oadby & Wigston.



Sadaqah refers to voluntary acts of charity and generosity that are not obligatory but highly encouraged in Islam. It can be given in various forms, such as money, goods, or acts of kindness. Sadaqah is considered a means of earning reward and blessings from Allah, and it can be given at any time and in any amount, according to one's means.


Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam and is obligatory for all eligible Muslims. It is a form of almsgiving that involves giving a portion (usually 2.5%) of one's wealth and assets to those in need, such as the poor, needy, debtors, and travelers. Zakat is meant to purify one's wealth and to help redistribute wealth within the community, ensuring social justice and solidarity.


Fitrana is a specific amount of charity given per person in the household, including oneself, before Eid al-Fitr prayers. It is obligatory upon every Muslim who possesses the necessary amount of wealth beyond their basic needs and debts. Fitrana serves as a means of ensuring that the less fortunate members of the community can also partake in the celebrations of Eid by providing them with the means to purchase food and other necessities.


Emergency / Disaster Relief Aid

In the aftermath of a disaster, various forms of relief aid are made available to support those affected. Donations received are channeled through UK registered Charities with operations on the ground where it's needed most.

Prefer to donate via paypal - then click then button below and select the cause via the drop down list. Remember to complete a GiftAid declaration to help your donation go even further at no cost to you.

Bank Transfer

Oadby & Wigston Muslim Association
Barclays Bank PLC | Account Number 33328945 | Sort Code: 20-49-11
For the Masjid Expansion plans quote reference: Build Project

standing order

If you would like to set up a standing order please complete the standing order form below.

Please complete and post the form to:
Oadby & Wigston Muslim Association,
17 Tamar Road,


If you wish to send payment by post please make your Cheque/Postal Order payable to OWMA and send your payment to:
Oadby & Wigston Muslim Association,
17 Tamar Road,

Online Transfer

please email us on or send a message with your donation breakdown if you select a “mixed” where a single amount is donated for multiple causes.

Gift aid it
Turn a £10 donation into £12.50 donation with a simple form!

If you are a UK Taxpayer please complete the Gift Aid form here as this will increase your donation by 25%, whatever the amount, without any effort from you!If you pay tax at the higher rate, you can claim further tax relief via your Self Assessment tax return.

Click here to download My Masjid

A smart phone app for salaat times - our masjid can be found under the UK country code and then Oadby